Wednesday, May 11, 2011

wedding secret

Shh! I may have tried on my wedding ring while I put away folded clothes tonight. It felt strong and beautiful. A nice reminder of what we're really doing here, instead of engaging in the drama that others are bringing to the weekend.

I also ordered my new nameplate for work today. It's really happening.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

another wedding disaster (overexaggeration) diverted

Austin and I registered for what we considered the most awesome place settings ever!
We were really excited about them... we had found dishes that were casual, could go in the dishwasher, and that enabled us not to have to worry about "wedding china," b/c registering for wedding china is not something we would do.

For Christmas, I bought Austin two place settings of our new favorite designs.

A few months out from the wedding, we went to Macy's to double-check on the registry. Macy's still had Chelsea plates, but now they were all green, black, or blue. No more red. All of the dishes we had registered for were now discontinued. I was really sad, especially since we had both fallen in love with these dishes.

We decided to keep our two place settings for just the two of us, as a fun wedding present to each other, but we had to register for all new plates. We chose Macy's in the beginning because we wanted to keep the registry aspect simple for people (and for us). The only red plates we liked at Macy's were the Fiestaware.

We had some people over to our house to watch VCU in the Final Four, and I decided to break out the two large dinner plates from our coveted Chelsea collection. I left it sitting in the sink, waiting to be washed. Next to the sink was a large collection of beer bottles, drying in preparation of being recycled. And then it happened.... all of the bottles fell into the sink, breaking one of the plates to pieces!

We were both really sad. We no longer had two place settings. So this week, I decided to take on this task and figure out how to complete our set again. After two hours at Macy's trying to figure out sku numbers, then trying to locate the plates, I went home defeated, but the employee helping me vowed to spend her free time the next day calling around for me. She did in fact find the plates, which were on clearance for $5.99 (what a deal!), and hooked me up to call the Macy's store in Georgia to get them to ship it to me. The plates (I ordered two, just in case this happens again) arrived yesterday!!!!! Here is Austin, sweaty from his run, annoyed with my desire to photograph this moment for the blog, telling me, "Just take the picture already!"
