Friday, January 27, 2012

This weekend

What's on the agenda for this weekend? Utilize the daylight/shade combo to photograph fabric for my upcoming MadeForYou line! We'll seeee!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Under Construction

There are many things going on behind-the-scenes with my blog, my crafting, my exercising, and my little company. As a teaser before I unroll everything, here is what I am working on, and therefore you can look forward to:

  • More intentional ETSY descriptions, complete with templates, based on advertising and statistics
  • Exercise. We joined Gold's Gym. At work, we started a 3-month "Mission Slimpossible," which will end just in time for the Monument Avenue 10k. 
  • Training for the 10k again this year. More on that once Laura P and I have figured out what our plans are exactly.
  • New Section in my ETSY store: in addition to the already-made pillows, I will be offering "MadeForYou" pillows. Basically, I'm going to post the fabric, and provide options for people to ORDER a pillow cover made to their own specifications. Seems like a cool concept, yeah?
  • I have made 7 sales on my ETSY store since I opened in late October 2011! I hope this trend keeps increasing. It's really fun to wake up and see that I have sold something... and then I race to see how quickly I can get it in the mail to them.
  • My little "business" needs intentional marketing/materials. I need "thank you for your purchase" cards, return address labels, potentially to have those images incorporated into my blog, etc. I also need a Facebook account that incorporates that branding.
  • I need to send another life "update e-mail." I'm a few years behind. I've had people asking me why I haven't sent any. Hopefully this site can be a better way to get that information out to folks, once I mention that it exists! 
  • I want to incorporate some things I learn at work (without identifying the individuals of course), but am still not sure how to do that appropriately. My job brings about so much reflection on social justice, poverty, and "the way life really is" that I was not exposed to before I became a grown up. I want to share that somehow, but it needs to be in a fully informed way, and I'm not sure how much energy I'm willing to put into providing the extensive context that would have to be provided for my comments. Ugh.
  • If you're on the actual website for this blog, YOU PROBABLY NOTICED that I changed the layout of my site! (If you're reading this on a Reader/RSS feed, please go click on the link!)