Sunday, April 10, 2011

a homeowner's photodiary

These photos are from April 3, 2011...

Background story: Austin is outside mowing and edging the lawn, when I hear "Tempa, I think you need to come here... right now..." I thought he cut his finger off and was bleeding profusely. This is in fact what I found:

A rock had flown up and hit our storm door, shattering it to teeny pieces. It sounded like an ice storm as it spread throughout the door.

... It took lots of teamwork and discovering a $10 off coupon for Lowe's

...But 24 hours later we overcame our first homeowner hurdle,
and it became a Homeowner SUCCESS!!

Oh yeah, we also fixed our flag pole.

1 comment:

  1. oh lord...just another reason for me to fear lawnmowers!!! thank goodness it didn't fly out and hit austin though!
