Sunday, September 11, 2011

After Hurricane Irene in Richmond

This entry will be mostly pictures...

Reese surveying the damage outside.

Lots of leaves EVERYWHERE (we were lucky)

Our back fence fell down from the storm. It's the spot that was connected to the shed. Good thing we were planning to have it torn down within a few days.

Close-up of our toppled fence area.

A tree down on our street. It JUST missed that house. This tree fell early on in the storm and thus it already had the pink caution tape on it before the storm was over.

This part standing up is much taller than me.

Repairing... Pay attention to this person's height vs the breadth of the tree.

ABC store closed.

Think for a moment. If you woke up in the morning with no power, where would you go? Walk to Starbucks and take photos of the fallen trees, and then of how many people are in line at Starbucks, of course. It was a 20 minute wait.

There was also a man outside this Kroger, with a Kroger vest on, yelling "WE'RE CLOSED!" every time someone walked by. Odd.

I think the purpose of this picture was to show how this house's porch entirely fell off. Can you see it?

How do you know when things are really cooky? When you get back from the power-less Starbucks run to find Kitty laying on Davis' doggy bed, of course.