Thursday, February 24, 2011

The best laid plans...

Okay. So with another day home sick from work, I decided to make low-key progress on the decorations. I heated another round of crayons.

And now that I have seemingly enough crayon things to pile into a table decoration, I decided to make examples. There are three different kind of containers they could go in.


...... Does anyone see the problem here? They look weird.
So what now? I have ordered all of these crayons

And want to make sure I use them for the wedding. Any other ideas?
Maybe use the crayons in a different way, on the tables off to the sides, so they are kid-friendly? Here are some samples, using the same three vases...


I feel silly posting this b/c it isn't in my usual nature to worry about things like this. But I fear my best laid plan is going to fail.

Ideas? Anyone?

ALSO, It is probably important to note that there are three sets of table decorations. We've already decided on what's going to be
1) on the tables where people will eat,
2) there are a different kind of decorations for the food (buffet station) tables/for the side tables in the side rooms, and
3) these crayons were for the bathrooms, gift table, bar, etc.. basically other random places needed.


  1. hmm...maybe you could just lay the molded crayons (sounds weird) out, and forget the container? i think the blended colors are fun! perhaps provide them near your guestbook (if you're doing that) and let people draw you pictures?

  2. i like the top skinny vase with the melted crayons (just maybe without the square ones) and the bottom short wide vase with non-melted crayons.

  3. I like the idea of laying out the molded crayons without containers, and then having un-melted ones in the vases. it would almost be like flowers and flower petals!

  4. oh i didn't even think of that elizabeth! i wonder if that could be kept still somehow...

  5. Here's my 2 cents:

    You could bundle a few colors together with cute ribbon and put them at place settings. Maybe with some paper and we could write you guys good luck/congratulatory messages.

    Also, you could maybe put broken up (but not melted) crayons in the vases. It'd be smaller pieces that would lay a little more evenly and like pebbles, and you'd still get the multi-color effect.

  6. (This is actually your aunt Julie!) How about melting the crayons into "T" and "A" shaped molds? You could also do the numbers for your wedding date - 5 - 21 - 2011.
    Then you could put those into the vase.

    Or what about putting paper out so that people can use the crayons to write you notes?
